The Truth Deliverance Center (T2DC)

 Main: 703.419.5621     Alt: 703.991.9271

One of T2CD’s primary goals is to provide The Truth according to scripture, to liberate the believer and unbeliever from false doctrine, false beliefs, and the
traditions of men in which makes the Word of God of none effect. We promote a strong, powerful, personal, spiritual walk with Christ by increasing your spiritual knowledge and understanding of Biblical Principles as well as provide Biblical Techniques on implementing scripture into your daily lives which facilitates in living a victorious
​Christian life.

In-House Ministries:

1. Children of Christ  
    Ministry - Infants
    to 5-years old

2. Youth Ministry

3. Hospitality


T2DC is Loving People God’s Way!

At T2DC, we foster a warm, loving, and nurturing spiritual family environment for our congregation. We provide loving support for our military families, college students, corporations, and our community-at- large. It is a
​church that feels like home.

T2DC would like to partner with you by providing Biblical strategies to assist you in your spiritual growth. If your spiritual growth is important to you, T2DC is the
place to be.
T2DCprovides three Christian Educational Opportunities a week to empower you spiritually through the Word of God and fellowship with other believers. Please review T2DC’s Service Page.

The Truth Deliverance Center © 2016 (T2DC)

A Non-Denominational, Multicultural Church Family

Psalm 133:1 (KJV) "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!"

4. Board of Elders

5. Deacon & 
    Deaconess Board
6. Missionary Board
7. Pastoral Care Team

 6744 South King's Highway

Alexandria VA 22306

T2DC is a place where we impart love, wisdom, and knowledge. We help others to find the answers to life’s most troubling problems in the Word of God. Through the sweet mercies of Christ, we will help you discover The Truth, and The Truth will make ​you free!

8.   Ministries of Help

9.   Outreach Ministry

10. Media Ministry
11. Greeters Ministry