Main: 703.419.5621 Alt: 703.991.9271
6744 South King's Highway
Alexandria VA 22306
"I thank GOD for Pastor Carletha Oliver! Pastor Oliver's life purpose is to live responsively to God's call and God's purposes. Pastor Oliver takes true delight in her God-given anointing for teaching, leadership,and administration through her numerous ministry roles in supporting all people through their spiritual development. I am grateful to know her and appreciate my one-on-one time with her. Pastor Oliver is
a genuine CHILD OF GOD and a blessing to all people
she encounters."
Keislia Barnes
Waldorf, Maryland
The Truth Deliverance Center under the anointed leadership of Pastor Oliver has been an amazing, in-depth learning experience that has taught me to deal with life’s issues in a spiritual manner. T2DC has been a ministry which has opened my eyes and helped to develop my critical thinking skills as I unravel the mysteries in God’s Word. Pastor Oliver’s explanation comes from a divine source that makes me look at things from a different perspective and keeps me in God’s will. Also, I am eager to learn more each week from T2DC’s Ministry. Currently, I have minimized my time
in leisure activities. Now, I am spending more time studying and praying for God’s direction and guidance in my spiritual journey through life. It must be noted that, one of my desires is to help others become disciples of Jesus Christ and ultimately receive eternal life.
Patricia Lovelace
Little Rock, Arkansas
I became acquainted with Pastor Oliver and The Truth Deliverance Center in 2016. Since then, she has been a great asset in helping me become more knowledgeable in my understanding of God’s Word. Pastor Oliver trained me in the use of the Strong Concordance which provides the original contextual meaning of words in the Old Testament which originally were written in the Hebrew language and the words in the New Testament which were originally written in Greek. This helps me to understand what God is trying to reveal to me in the context of each passage of scripture. Pastor Oliver takes extensive time researching and developing lessons which are spiritually inspirational and uplifting to me and which I utilize in my daily walk with God. I have also been empowered to teach Bible classes from the lessons learned from The Truth Deliverance Center Ministry under the leadership of Pastor Oliver.
Booker Lovelace
Little Rock, Arkansas
I can go on and on about the many experiences that I have had with GOD since my connection with The Truth Deliverance Center. However, let me make it short and sweet. I have grown leaps and bounds, my faith has been tested, but I still believe God. I so enjoy the conversations with Pastor Oliver, who totally listens to the Holy Spirit and speaks to my soul. The intimacy, the love, and the truth that is spoken in each message is forever measured in my heart!
Shannon E. Broadus
Dumfries, Virginia
The Truth Deliverance Center is a ministry that has blessed me
a great deal!! It is a small close knitted family of believers who believe in taking care of one another. If you are seeking a ministry that will support, uplift, and encourage you, then T2DC is the place for you. During my time with this ministry, I was spiritual stretched in ways that I never imagined and was blessed to accomplish things that I had never been able to accomplish before. Prior to becoming a member in this ministry, I had never completed a fast successfully, but with the help, support, teaching, and accountability partnership with Pastor Oliver, I was able to succeed. T2DC’s Ministry is one that is filled with love and the anointing of God! Every Saturday, we come with an expectation of having an encounter with God that will take us to the next level in Him. One of the key pillars of T2DC is teaching everyone who is connected to it how to rightly divide and understand the Word of God for themselves and how to implement the Word of God unto their daily lives. I promise that it will be worth your while and I guarantee that you will have an encounter with God like never before!
MAJOR Tiffany C. Lovelace
United States ARMY
Fort Hood, Texas
Pastor Carletha Oliver is a true woman of God! As a faithful
student and teacher of the Bible with a determination to further
God’s Kingdom, she is faithful to God and His people. She has labored in prayer and has stood with me during some difficult times and has rejoiced with me during my victories. I thank God for her
and The Truth Deliverance Center!
Kimberly Booker
Annapolis, Maryland
I just praise God and thank Him for Pastor Carletha Oliver! Since I have been interacting with this ministry, I have grown spiritually mature in ways that I use to think were impossible. Now, I am hungry and on fire for God like never before. I have consistently attended T2DC’s Prayer Line on every Tuesday night at 7 PM EST and the Bible Study on every Thursday at 7 PM. God has used Pastor Oliver in the
prophetic to prophesy and confirm His Word to me. She is truly a woman of God and I am blessed to have her in my life!
Kameka Smith
Savannah, Georgia
I am writing this testimonial for my dear Sister in Christ, Pastor Carletha Oliver. I have known Pastor Oliver for approximately 2 years. In these two years, her love for God and people hasn't waivered. I used to see Pastor Oliver on the Metro and she'd have her Bible open and notes spread out on the seat studying her word and I said wow, she must really love God! I'm not sure when or how we actually started a friendship, but God definitely put her in my life for a reason. Probably unbeknownst to her, she has ministered to my spirit through her words, actions, and love of people. She has proven herself to be a true friend and a great counselor. In my
time of need, she was always there with an open heart and an encouraging word. I know without a shadow of a doubt that God has an awesome plan for Pastor Oliver. I've made myself available to assist her when needed and I will always do so. Looking forward to seeing God's handy work and all of the blessings that God has in store for her and T2DC. God Bless!
Tyrese Doughty
Largo, Maryland
I enjoy the Truth Deliverance Center. It gives me a higher level
of teaching that I have not experienced before, yet my spirit bears witness through the Holy Spirit that this is God’s Truth. Also, I
get to meet people from around the world on the Prayer Line
and Bible Study. It is a Godsend for me. All the denominations coming together as one unified in Christ under the leadership of Pastor Carletha Oliver.
Verlena Hawkins
Hinesville, Georgia
The Truth Deliverance Center © 2016 (T2DC)
“When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things” (Mark 6:34, NIV). This verse comes to mind when I think about the tremendous amount of compassion Pastor Oliver has for the people of God. Her ability to reach the unreachable and connect with those that have been rejected, cast down, undervalued, depressed, oppressed, and abused is a testament of the apostolic anointing on her life. Her motivation to serve comes from a genuine place to see God’s people DELIVERED and set free! I have known and served with Pastor Carletha for a number of years and know her to be very careful about upholding her mandate with the highest level of reverence and spirit of excellence. Her burning passion for the things of God is contagious. Anyone serving under her leadership willing to commit and submit will soon find themselves empowered to carry out the calling upon their lives with boldness, mountain moving faith, and unspeakable joy. All of which is exuded from her own walk with the Lord. As the Lord gives to her, she freely and selflessly gives to her congregants “teaching them many things.” I count it a privilege and an honor to be able to call Pastor Oliver, my spiritual battle buddy and wingman in the Army of the Lord!
Minister Pamala Brown-Grayson
Suffolk, Virginia
Unforgettable! May God continue to bless T2DC and
Pastor Oliver! I am forever thankful for the way that
the T2DC’s congregation embraced my family and I
during our multiple visits. The T2DC experience doesn’t
start or stop when you pass through the church doors.
T2DC and Pastor Oliver take a personal, warm family
oriented approach to ministry. Whether it’s a simple
Bible Study reminder, prayer, podcast, corporate fasting
instructions, or a hospitality call. The teachings are dynamic,
spirit-filled, and universal for all ages. I’ve never left a
sermon, Bible Study, or T2DC’s encounter without
gaining Biblical Knowledge to enhance my life. I strongly
recommend that you visit T2DC to witness an unforgettable
Biblical and spiritual experience.
Dierdra Grigsby
Brandywine, Maryland
As the musician at T2DC, I enjoy working with Pastor Oliver because her commitment and outstanding dedication to the development of the Music Ministry exemplifies the virtues of Faith – Focus and Fortitude which places this ministry on the path of building a
bright future.
C. Darnell Allen
Landover, Maryland