The Truth Deliverance Center (T2DC)

 Main: 703.419.5621     Alt: 703.991.9271

 6744 South King's Highway

Alexandria VA 22306

•  Career Goals
•  Financial Management
•  Relationships

The David & Johnathan Connection Ministry is a community based mentoring ministry for young men from the ages of 12 to 18. This ministry incorporates leadership skills, financial management, and basic life skills while promoting brotherhood through peer interaction and accountability. It's primary focus is to assist young men through their growing pains as they move into manhood by implementing the Word
​of God and practical strategies as well

enhancing communications and bonding skills.

Sisters of Integrity and Respectability(SIR)

  Empowering women in an informal social setting through honest conversations, in order to,
be led by the Holy Spirit in all their discussions, decisions making, facilitating healthy life choices in relationships and friendships, bonding in sisterhood, growing in love, providing spiritual and emotional support systems, and sharing meaningful life experiences while breaking bread together which will aide each woman in successfully achieving
​their destiny.

Integrity is an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting

Respectabilityis honorableness by virtue of being respectable and having a good reputation

Meeting: Once a month on the designated Sunday

Time:  2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Venue:  Selected by Pastor Oliver or Chair Woman


Naomi’s & Ruth's Sisterhood
is a mentoring ministry assisting young women from the ages of 19 to 30. Utilizing the Godly wisdom of mature Christian women to mentor

them concerning love, crisis, life choices, friendships, marriage, parenting skills, spiritual impartation, nurturing, etc.

The Mighty Warriors is a mentoring ministry 
for young men from the ages of 19 to 30 by teaching them practical prayer strategies,
male bonding activities, Godly integrity
and character, preparing for marriage, communication skills, becoming God’s man, walking in the Word of God, and many other spiritual tools that all Godly men possess.

Abraham's & Sarah’s Love Language
is a three month ministry designed to strengthening marriages by examining common core issues within the relationships. This ministry implements spiritual principles, introduces new tools and strategies for rebuilding your marriage, obtains new perspective, provides conflict resolution skills, and assists with redefining marital goals.
Also, this ministry promotes growth and unity in God as well as fosters Godly 
love and respect toward one another. 

Ester’s Circle is a community based mentoring ministry for young ladies from the ages of 12 to 18 years of age. This ministry promotes sisterhood to strengthen them by improving self-esteem, strong communication skills, effective decision-making skills, conflict resolution, enhance cooking skills, and many other basic life skills to prepare them for a successful future.

•  Self-Esteem
•  Sportsmanship
•  Bonding

The Truth Deliverance Center © 2016 (T2DC)